How do I get rid of all of the Control box buttons?


Susan Diane

I have a form that I have maximize on the load. I want it
to stay this large and have all of the forms marked as
modal so that they need to exit the form they are on
before going back to the main form. I have "NO" set to
the ControlBox, MinMaxButtons(None), CloseButton and
basically everything except AllowFormView and AllowEdits.
However I still get a resize on the top right corner of
the form and then if they minimize the form cannot be
made large again. How do I get rid of all of the
ControlBox items? I even put a docmd.maximize on the
resize action but this does not kick in when they click
that bcenter button on the control box. If I set the
Border Style to none then it is really bad because it
locks them down to this smaller size. Please help!!
Susan Diane

Ken Snell

Don't maximize the form. Leave it in Restore mode ("dialog" or "modal"); set
its size to be the "full" size (while in Design view, click Restore, drag
the window edges to desired size in design view and click Save) to achieve
your desired result.

Susan Diane

Thanks for the suggestion. Did that and it works kind of.
Different users have different resolutions and different
sized monitors so I wanted a clean look that would fill
up their full screen. This only works for some. It does
not make sense that the restore button would show at all
if I said no to the Control Box.


Ken Snell

There are code examples around (especially in the ACCESS Developers
Handbook) that will allow your database to resize forms to fit the
resolution of different monitors. It may be worth the $100 or so to buy this
book (believe me, it is chock full of good information way beyond just this
code) if you want to achieve the desired result.

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