How do I get job #s in this format?



I'm trying to put together a database which is going to get really
complicated really quickly, but the first thing I need to do is track jobs.
We currently use a system with a 4 digit #, the first digit being the last
digit of the year (currently 6) and then a 3-digit "job #". The first job of
the year 2006 would be 6001 and then it goes up to there.
What I want to do is make this field add a new job# in the above format
everytime you enter a new job or quote into the database. Either I make a
text display of "last # used" above a number entry field, or I somehow
program an auto-number field on "add new record". What would be the best
approach to this?



some other MVPs may have a more elegant solution but one way that will work
is this:

=DLast("jobNumber","[Test Table]")+1

where jobNumber is the name of the table column that contains your job
numbers i.e. 6001, 6002, etc....

and [Test Table] is the name of the table

(I had to use [ ] around Test Table because I put a space in the table

putting this equation in the Control Source of a text box on your form will
present the next job number to the user.

I don't think you can put this equation into the field box of the job number
itself - as that will not work as it can't retreive the value and calculate
the value also in the same field....

so what you can do is put a text box with this equation and throw in a label
that tells the user: "This is your assigned job number - put into Job Number

a little crude but will work....probably another way to do that someone else
will suggest



Remember now that the number it generates for the first day in 2007
will NOT be correct AND if someone overides that number incorrectly
with say a leading 9 all numbers after that will have a leading 9.

Also if you are sorting by job number and expect them to be sort of
date sequence, the logic will fall apart on the first order in 2010.


New problem: I edited Network's equation, took out the +1 part, so that it
would just show "last number used". Now it's showing me the last number I
used the day I put that equation in, but if I add more records, it's not
working properply. Still showing me the # associated with that particular
record. Help?
My code shows this: =DLast("ProjectNumber","Projects")


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