How do I get "collate" from e?


Robert Liles

I am using Visual Basic.NET 2002 and cannot get "collate" from the
PrintDialog1 or e.PageSettings.PrinterSettings.Collate to return anything
but "False." What am I doing wrong?

I am using
PrintDialog1.Document = PrintDocument1
'PrintDialog1.PrinterSettings.Copies = 4 'I have tried these two lines
'PrintDialog1.PrinterSettings.Collate = True 'I get the 4 but not the
If PrintDialog1.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK Then
Messagebox.Show(PrintDocument1.PrinterSettings.Collate .ToString)
PrintPreview1.Document = PrintDocument1
'PrintPreview1.Document = PrintDialog1.Document 'I have tried this too
End If

TIA, Bobbo


Okay, I might be asking the obvious, but does the printer and the driver
support collating?

Robert Liles

If I check the "Collate" box in the PrintDialog it is ignored, always
returns "False" and does not collate. If I add the line
e.PageSettings.PrinterSettings.Collate = True
in my print routine, it does Collate just fine. How can I get it to
recognize that the user has checked the Collate box in the PrintDialog? Or,
how can I determine that the user has checked the Collate box so I can
programatically turn on Collation?

TIA, Bobbo

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