How do I freeze formulas when cutting and pasting other cells?



Hopefully I will make sense with this...

I am currently using Excel for my fantasy baseball league. I am wanting to
automatically (by formulas) calculate the "games behind" section of our
standings. The problem is that when I go to cut a line and use the Insert Cut
Cells option, the formulas change. What I'm wondering is how do I keep them
from changing.


I am using cells B4-C4 and B5-C5 (from left to right). In G5 I have the
following formula: =0.5*(B4-B5)+(C5-C4)

Now, when I use the Cut/Insert option to move the data in B4 to B5 and (vice
versa) as well as C4 to C5 (and vice versa), the following formula pops up in
G5: =0.5*(B5-B4)+(C4-C5) you can see, the cells are inverted.

My issue is that I do not want those formulas to become inverted, as I will
be doing the Cut/Insert option a lot.

Is there a way to freeze those formulas so that I can Cut/Insert without
having to worry about them inverting when I do that command? I have tried
protecting only those cells and it didn't work. I've even tried the Scenarios
feature under the Tools tab.

Any help would be beneficial. If anyone wants me to send screenshots of what
I'm talking about, email me at (e-mail address removed).



Hopefully I will make sense with this...

I am currently using Excel for my fantasy baseball league. I am wanting to
automatically (by formulas) calculate the "games behind" section of our
standings. The problem is that when I go to cut a line and use the Insert Cut
Cells option, the formulas change. What I'm wondering is how do I keep them
from changing.


I am using cells B4-C4 and B5-C5 (from left to right). In G5 I have the
following formula: =0.5*(B4-B5)+(C5-C4)

Now, when I use the Cut/Insert option to move the data in B4 to B5 and (vice
versa) as well as C4 to C5 (and vice versa), the following formula pops up in
G5: =0.5*(B5-B4)+(C4-C5) you can see, the cells are inverted.

My issue is that I do not want those formulas to become inverted, as I will
be doing the Cut/Insert option a lot.

Is there a way to freeze those formulas so that I can Cut/Insert without
having to worry about them inverting when I do that command? I have tried
protecting only those cells and it didn't work. I've even tried the Scenarios
feature under the Tools tab.

Any help would be beneficial. If anyone wants me to send screenshots of what
I'm talking about, email me at (e-mail address removed).


Why do you have to Cut anything?

Cut is the same as dragging cells, essentially. So when you use it,
you have just told Excel that the data has moved. That is why it
changes the references in G5, so I think Cut is not going to work.

There is probably a different way to do what you want. Can you explain
what data you are cutting and why?

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