How do i format my /C drive?



How do i format my /C drive?, i have tried right click,
format- but is says --

Windows cannot format this drive. Quit any disk utilities
or programs thats are using this drive, and make sure
that no window is displaying the contents of this drive.
Then try formatting again.

I have tried closing everything, i ended all the
processes that are not neccesary for windows to run, but
it still comes up with that message.

What can i do?

Ken Briscoe

What can i do?

You cannot format your C: drive from within Windows (if Windows is installed
on C:, which I'm assuming it is.). You have to boot from a floppy. You can
use a Windows 98 boot disk if you have one ( has many
options, if you don't have one), and type the following:

format c:

This will ask you if you are sure. If you are, go for it. If not, then you
shouldn't be formatting anyways.

Hope that helps.

Alvin A Brown


Make your cdrom primary BootDevice 1 in your system Bios
place XP cdrom in the Drive and reboot your pc, and your


Rich Barry

If WinXP is on the C: drive you can't format while the OS is in use. It's
like asking it to commit suicide. But, if you have
the WinXP CD, set the cdrom as first boot device in the Bios and boot
from the CD. From there you can format.

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