how do i first set up frontpage from previously using smart ftp?



my website files are in a smart ftp program which expires tomorrow...i need
to transfer these files to frontpage03 that i've now installed and would like
to use to manage my website....need direction other than microsoft
tutorial...1st steps type thing just to get remote site showing and uploads,

Stefan B Rusynko

FTP your website files to a folder on your PC
- Then Open FP and use File Open web and browse to that folder to open it as a FP web


SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
"Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;

| my website files are in a smart ftp program which expires tomorrow...i need
| to transfer these files to frontpage03 that i've now installed and would like
| to use to manage my website....need direction other than microsoft
| tutorial...1st steps type thing just to get remote site showing and uploads,
| etc...thanks


Download the website to a folder on your PC
Open FrontPage
File->Open Site
Click More Web sites in the task pane on the right
Browse to the folder containing the web files
Click Open
FrontPage will add more Files and Folders
Web site open, ready for editing

To Publish, File->Publish Site
and choose the FTP option

Since you are currently using FTP, I am assuming there are no FrontPage
extensions involved on the server - FTP corrupts the extensions.

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