How do i find the last entry in a column where every cell is not .



I have an excel worksheet that keeps track of our gas inventory. We get gas
delivered once a week and when its delivered we post the price. I wind up
with a column that has prices and non entries. Month End i need the LAST
price we were charged to produce a report. It would be nice if Visual Basic
had a function called Last but alas I have not found it. I have to do a lot
of gyrations to get this data. Does someone know an easy way to get this data.

Norman Jones

Hi Beau Black,


Sub Tester()
Dim LastPrice As Double
Const Col As String = "A" '<<===== CHANGE
LastPrice = Cells(Rows.Count, Col).End(xlUp).Value
MsgBox LastPrice '<<==== For Test
purposes only
End Sub

Change the value of Col to accord with your column.

Frank Kabel


Frank Kabel
Frankfurt, Germany

Beau Black said:
I have an excel worksheet that keeps track of our gas inventory. We get gas
delivered once a week and when its delivered we post the price. I wind up
with a column that has prices and non entries. Month End i need the LAST
price we were charged to produce a report. It would be nice if Visual Basic
had a function called Last but alas I have not found it. I have to do a lot
of gyrations to get this data. Does someone know an easy way to get
this data.

Harald Staff


Adding: If you by Last mean "last entered, but not necessarily downmost"
then you need a date-time-stamp or similar in the neighbor column.

HTH. Best wishes Harald

Beau Black said:
I have an excel worksheet that keeps track of our gas inventory. We get gas
delivered once a week and when its delivered we post the price. I wind up
with a column that has prices and non entries. Month End i need the LAST
price we were charged to produce a report. It would be nice if Visual Basic
had a function called Last but alas I have not found it. I have to do a lot
of gyrations to get this data. Does someone know an easy way to get this


Well the easiest way out:

1. In the worksheet, chose a conveninet cell where you want to display
the last price enter. Name this cell as "LastPrice".

2. In that worksheet_change event procedure add following code:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Column = 6 Then
Range("LastPrice").Value = Target.Value
End If
End Sub

Above is assuming price is in coloumn 6 (F). Change the coloumn number


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