How do I "export makefile" in Visual Studio 2003?



In order to make some very large projects available to other developers who
do not use Visual Studio (or even Windows, in some cases), I need to generate
standard-format Make files.

In Visual C++ 6.0, there was an "export makefile" command on the "Project"
menu. Now that I am using Visual Studio .Net 2003, I can no longer find this
command. The help system provides no clue.

I must have this capability!
(I apologize if this is the wrong forum for this question)

Carl Daniel [VC++ MVP]

Mark said:
In order to make some very large projects available to other
developers who do not use Visual Studio (or even Windows, in some
cases), I need to generate standard-format Make files.

In Visual C++ 6.0, there was an "export makefile" command on the
"Project" menu. Now that I am using Visual Studio .Net 2003, I can
no longer find this command. The help system provides no clue.

I must have this capability!
(I apologize if this is the wrong forum for this question)

That function was removed in VC7 (because the generated makefiles didn't
necessarily work, YMMV). You might be able to find a 3rd party tool that
will do it, or you could write your own without too much trouble. The
..vcproj file is Xml. I think the schema is actually published, but it's
easy enough to figure it out by reverse engineering as well.


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