How do I enter a working check box option in Excel?



I am trying to insert a "check the box" option in Excel and then use an "if
checked, then do xxx" formula to calculate various sales projections based on
which mix of product lines are checked. I am able to insert the Wingding
character that looks like the check off box, but it just sits there like clip
art with no functionality, so I am either not taking it far enough or just
going about it all wrong. I am using several different versions of Excel to
do this project depending on where I am at the time (home, work, laptop) so I
can set it up in whichever is easiest.


Hey Lisa,
You need to create a check box control (actually looks like a tick box) from
the Forms toolbar.
Once you create the check box you must Format Control (RM click on check
box) and nominate a Cell link (a "holding cell", e.g. A1) this allows XL to
record whether it is ticked by placing True in the cell link(A1) or not
ticked by placing False in the cell link.
you can then run your If statement based on the return in the cell link,
(B1, C1 and "" to be replaced with your formula)
the cell link can be on another sheet and hidden if necessary.


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