How do I disable - confirm file deletion



I have a bunch of files (thousands) I need to wade through and delete.
Where do I disable "confirm file deletion" so that I can speed up the


Cowtoon said:
I have a bunch of files (thousands) I need to wade through and delete.
Where do I disable "confirm file deletion" so that I can speed up the

Right click on recycle bin icon, properties, unselect the setting.


Well ... isn't that interesting! I hadn't heard of using the shift for that
purpose (use it for selecting and for other things, but not that). I'll
give it a try and see how it goes.

SuSE_Linux_Guy said:
you can always hold shift while pressing delete while deleting the files.


Hmmm ... didn't work for me. While holding the shift key, I pressed delete
(with a file selected). I was prompted "are you sure". Thanks anyway ...
it was certainly worth a try!

SuSE_Linux_Guy said:
you can always hold shift while pressing delete while deleting the files.


Okay, I was wrong, I forgot which key it was but it is something and
delete to bypass the delete conformation function


that function bypasses the garbage can. shift delete

SuSE_Linux_Guy said:
Okay, I was wrong, I forgot which key it was but it is something and
delete to bypass the delete conformation function

Richard in AZ

Right-click on the recycle bin and choose "properties" from the menu.
Uncheck the box "confirm delete confirmation dialog".
When you are done with your mass deletion, turn the confirmation dialog back on.

Cowtoon said:
Thank you.


Thanks Richard ... that did work for me ... as suggested by Pennywise above.
I thought I'd try what SuSE_Linux_Guy suggested and it didn't quite work as
they thought but I then learned that it bypages the recycle bin, so it will
be useful for the furture.

Thanks for confirming the other though ... as it did work for me. Saved a
bunch of time and it should save me more time as I look for then delete,
duplicate files as a result of the format recovery (it would seem that such
a recovery doesn't differentiate from resaves or file moves ... so files are
found everywhere and there are tons of dups.).

Richard in AZ said:
Right-click on the recycle bin and choose "properties" from the menu.
Uncheck the box "confirm delete confirmation dialog".
When you are done with your mass deletion, turn the confirmation dialog
back on.

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