how do I delete?



XL2K: How do I delete an add-in (*.xla file) from the Tools drop-down menu
if it is already been removed from the "Add-in's available" list and from
its default location?.

Don Guillett

If you went to tools>addins>and unchecked AND moved it to another location.
Unselect it (if not done). NOW select it. Excel will look and ask if you
want to remove. click YES.

Gord Dibben


Some poorly-written add-ins do not clean up menu items when they close. Could
be the item is a left-over.

Have you tried Tools>Customize and dragged the offending menu item off the
Tools menu?

Close Excel and re-open. Does the item return?

If so, the Add-in is being loaded from somewhere.

Gord Dibben Excel MVP


Thanks Don and Gord,
Yes the add-in is a "left-over". It is not displayed with the checkable
items in the add-ins list. It is displayed on the Tools drop-down menu only,
but since I've removed it from its default location fails to be actived.
That is all right with me (cause I do not need it any more) but I just
wished I can remove it from the list.
Anyway if no cure exisists I may leave it as it is...

Dave Peterson

You could reset that toolbar (all customizations will be lost).

Tools|customize|toolbars tab
click on Worksheet menubar
click on Reset

Or you could just delete the offending icon/option manually.
Tools|customize (just to see that dialog)
now click on Tools (on the real worksheet menubar)
and drag the offending icon/option off the dropdown list.
close that dialog

Ken Wright

Apologies, I thought it was the addin listing in Tools / Addins you were
referring to. Dave's advice should see you clear on the menu listing.

Peo Sjoblom

Gord Dibben said:
So what am I? Chopped liver?

That can be arranged <bg>


For everyone's benefit keep the discussion in the newsgroup.


Peo Sjoblom

Dave Peterson

(Homer's voice)

Mmmmm. Chopped liver!

ps. I followed your advice when I wrote my post. <vbg>.


Hey Gord,

All that's necessary to drag an icon off the tool bar is to simply hold
<Alt> and drag it off!
I think YOU advised me of that a looong time ago.

You'll NEVER be chopped liver in my book!


Please keep all correspondence within the Group, so all may benefit!

"Gord Dibben" <gorddibbATshawDOTca> wrote in message
So what am I? Chopped liver?



I'll do that and let the NG know of the outcome...Thanks

Dave Peterson said:
You could reset that toolbar (all customizations will be lost).

Tools|customize|toolbars tab
click on Worksheet menubar
click on Reset

Or you could just delete the offending icon/option manually.
Tools|customize (just to see that dialog)
now click on Tools (on the real worksheet menubar)
and drag the offending icon/option off the dropdown list.
close that dialog


Thank you so much Dave,
Tools > cutomize > toolbars > Worksheet menubar > Reset did it.

Dave Peterson said:
You could reset that toolbar (all customizations will be lost).

Tools|customize|toolbars tab
click on Worksheet menubar
click on Reset

Or you could just delete the offending icon/option manually.
Tools|customize (just to see that dialog)
now click on Tools (on the real worksheet menubar)
and drag the offending icon/option off the dropdown list.
close that dialog

Ken Wright

rotflmao - still laughing!!!!!! Sorry bout that Gord, I didn't even see that
one - still laughing!!!!

Oh boy, that one cheered me up :)

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