How do I delete things in the internet explorer right click menu


Tom Johnson

How do I delete things in the internet explorer right
click menu. There is a link that I did not put there is
was put there by a web site. The menu i'm talking about is
the menu that comes up when you right click in internet

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP

Tom Johnson said:
How do I delete things in the internet explorer right
click menu. There is a link that I did not put there is
was put there by a web site. The menu i'm talking about is
the menu that comes up when you right click in internet

Go to Start | Run and type


Navigate to

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\MenuExt

and click on the plus (+) sign in front of MenuExt. Right click the subkey
representing what you want to get rid of and select Delete.

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