How do I delete duplicate cells?



Is there a way to delete cells if they are already listed on a separate
For example, I have two list of names (list A & B)

List A List B
dog cat
cat goose

Since cells containing cat and goose are in list B, is there a function that
will delete those cells from list A?


One formulas play to get there ..

Assume List A is in Sheet1 col A, List B is in Sheet2 col A,
data assumed from row2 down

In a new Sheet3,

Put in A2:

Put in B2:
(Leave B1 empty)

Select A2:B2, copy down to say, B100,
to cover the max expected extent of data in Sheet1's col A

Col A will return the required results neatly bunched at the top,
ie items in Sheet1's col A not found in Sheet2's col A.

(Hide away the criteria col B, if desired)

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