How do I create a web based exam using radio buttons?



I am trying to create a web based exam that is not going to be posted to the
internet. All the HTML files will be placed onto a CD that I can burn copies
of and distribute to my people for taking a practice exam. Can you please
tell me how I would go about creating such an exam. I know how to insert
radio buttons and submit buttons. What I do not know is how to have it check
the answers when they hit the submit button. Also, I cannot figure out what
the properties should be for the radio buttons. Can you please help me out
with this? Thanks for the help and have a great day!!



Word is actually a pretty lousy choice for this. By 'web-based' presumably
you mean HTML files rather than Word files. While Word can create these,
using Word to create HTML forms is the devil's work. If you really want
web-based, use an application designed for the purpose.


Thanks for the information. However, I am on a government computer where I
am not allowed to download or install any software. I was using word because
I have used it in the past to create regular web pages. Is there anyother
program within the MS Office 2003 version that you can recommend using or
even any other way that you know of using any program that might already be
installed on my government computer?



FrontPage or InfoPath.

Ken said:
Thanks for the information. However, I am on a government computer where
am not allowed to download or install any software. I was using word
I have used it in the past to create regular web pages. Is there anyother
program within the MS Office 2003 version that you can recommend using or
even any other way that you know of using any program that might already
installed on my government computer?


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