How do I create a cell that must be filled before anything else?



How do I create a cell that must be filled before anything else? I need to
create a parts request list that requires a store number and location before
proceeding to fill in anything else.


Hi Jules,

A way,

Without getting into VB, you could try conditional formatting to 'hide' the
other questions until the answer field has 'something' in it.

Say you have 3 questions in cells a1,2 and 3. And the blank answer fields in
cells b1,2 and 3. Highlight both cells a2 and a3, format, conditional
formatting, formula, =$B$1="", format font as white.

In essence, questions 2 and three's font will be white (not visible) until
question1 is answered.




another way of going about it is the following:
write protect all cells but the cells that need to be filled in first. Then
write a VB (sheet) macro based on "Worksheet_Change" which is run every time
something in the workbook changes. Write the macro such that it checks if the
cells are filled in, and if so, unprotect the range with the cells that can
then be filled in.

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