How do I count the number of occurences of a calculated sum in a .



Am attempting to count the number of individuals, in a group of many
individuals, where the sum of their hours for the month are >= or <= to an
aggreate without counting more than once. (i.e. sum of an individual is
between 10 and 20 hours don't want to count them if the if I use >= 10 with
those individuals with 21 hours.


I think these two queries will do what you want. You will need to add
criteria for the month in the first query.
EmpHours ---
SELECT Hours.ID, Sum(Hours.Hours) AS SumOfHours
FROM Hours

SELECT Count(EmpHours.ID) AS CountOfID
FROM EmpHours
WHERE (((EmpHours.SumOfHours) Not Between 10 And 20));

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