How do I count a range of numbers in a column



I am really stumped. I have a column of numbers that refer to locations on
the body and I need to count how many of these locations are on the face.
There are about 100 different numbered locations and I have 748 cells with
numbers in them. I need to count how many cells contain the numbers 1-5,
10-13, 60-69, 70-79, or 80-89. I can't seem to figure out how to get excel
formulas to let me count the range of numbers. Any help at all would be
greatly appreciated!!!


Don Guillett

try this. Just continue to add conditions. the + means AND.
Name your range as I have done.




I had a cursory galnce at your email and cannot think of a simple way of
doing what you want (though I feel it ought to be easy).

As a start you can always sum COUNTIF functions. So if you want to count 1-5


[Obviously you will have to input the range e.g. A1:A768]

Maybe others with superior insights on the forum know of an easier way. But
in essence you have a list of numbers and want to know how many have are a
given value e.g. 10 -14?

Are you familiar with VBA? Probably simple to write some code for this. But
maybe others possibilities should be considered first.



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