How do I convert seconds (up to 38,000) into HR:MN:SEC?



I have data downloaded into Excel that gives the time span in seconds only.
For example, I have a driver at a location for 1 hrs:4 mins:44 secs - the
time is downloaded as "3884" seconds. I want to convert that to HR:MN:SEC.

I can also get days downloaded as seconds: 1 day:9 hrs:59 mins:49 secs would
download as "122389" seconds.

Help, please!!!!

Thank you, Joan Bosrock



If your number of seconds is in A1 use this in B1.


You need to format the result as [h]:mm:ss to get the desired output.
To do so, in the cell with the formula, Format>Custom>Type: manuall
type in [h]:mm:ss here if it is not already an option in the list.




=B28/24/3600 will convert 3884 to 1:04:44 and 122389 to 33:59:49. The trick
is to format the cells as [hh]:mm:ss. The square brackets around the hours
lets Excel keep on adding the hours. Without the brackets, the answer would
be 09:59:49


Hi Steve & Kassie,

Sorry, I didn't see your posts when I put my second one in (I forgot to
refresh-oops). Thanks for your quick response, I really appreciate it. I've
never used this forum before and will definitely come back.

What I ended up doing was dividing the seconds by 86400 (sec in a day) and
then custom formating the cell as d hh:mm:ss.

Take care and thanks again, Joan

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