How Do I change the where clause of the TableAdapter


Rob Dob


in the old days, pre .Net 2.0 I could just modify the SQLCommand of the
SQlDataAdapter to reflect a different where clause and then issue a .Fill(),
and Whamo!!! everything worked.. How am I to accomplish the same task using
..NET 2.0 and the NEW "TableAdapter", I can't see myself creating 100's of
Queries using the wizard, is there anyway for me to just change the sql
Where clause at runtime? I have the TableAdapter bound to a DataGrid, and
am aware that there is a filter property, but I don't think setting this
filter property forces a reread from the database, and my my database
contains 100,000's of records.

any help would be very much appreciated..


Bart Mermuys


Rob Dob said:

in the old days, pre .Net 2.0 I could just modify the SQLCommand of the
SQlDataAdapter to reflect a different where clause and then issue a
.Fill(), and Whamo!!! everything worked.. How am I to accomplish the same
task using .NET 2.0 and the NEW "TableAdapter", I can't see myself
creating 100's of Queries using the wizard, is there anyway for me to
just change the sql Where clause at runtime? I have the TableAdapter
bound to a DataGrid, and am aware that there is a filter property, but I
don't think setting this filter property forces a reread from the
database, and my my database contains 100,000's of records.

Since TableAdapters are partial classes you could extend them by adding
another partial class, eg:


using System.Data.SqlClient;

namespace SomeWindowsApplication
namespace SomeDataSetTableAdapters
partial class SomeTableAdapter
public int FillBySelect(SomeDataSet.SomeDataTable Table, string
this.Adapter.SelectCommand = new SqlCommand(Select,
if (this.ClearBeforeFill)

return this.Adapter.Fill(Table);

(You offcourse have to replace "Some" with the actual names you have and if
you prefer you can easily make it a "FillByWhere" instead.)


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