How do I change the length of an "index" page on my website?


Tom [Pepper] Willett

If you're talking about the horizontal scroll, yes, it's way too long. After
viewing the source code, I don't know what he's done, but it's a
mess...looks like it may have been created in Word or some other MS program
other than FP, then imported or something.

He needs to start over and use MS FrontPage for the layout, and not use any
features that are proprietary to Internet Explorer.
Tom [Pepper] Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
: On my brother's website: "" the index page
: scrollsw way too much (is too long?) and I can not find how tho fix it.
: someone assist me?
: --
: Charles R. Lindsey

Rob Giordano [MS MVP]


I was gonna try to help but the awful repeating cricket noise is just
waaaayyyy too much to bear! Does he think that bgsound will attract
customers...NOT...crickets maybe...everyone else is gonna fly away.

Steve Easton

I think your problems start here on line 68 in code view:
<span style="mso-ignore: vglayout; position: absolute; z-index: 251658240; left: 22991px; top: 26020px; width:
288px; height: 192px">

there is no way a bvrowser window is this size: left: 22991px; top: 26020px

and a z index of 251658240?? That is 251 million, 658 thousand two hundred and forty which is a little
Good thing it can not leave the browser or someone would have to alert NASA.

In all seriousness, that is a word generated page and you are going to drive your self bonkers trying to
correct it in FrontPage.
I would start over with a clean page.
Also the page uses wordart ( VML graphics ) and they only display in Internet Explorer.


Steve Easton
Microsoft MVP FrontPage
FP Cleaner
Hit Me FP

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