How do I change the default toolbars that appear when I open a Word document?



Every time I open a Word document, certain toolbars appear with it that I don't want to see. The ones that open that I do NOT want are: Reviewing, PDF Maker 5.0 (Adobe Editor) and Drawing. The ones I DO want are the Standard and Formatting

I keep going into the Customizing Toolbars menu and unchecking the ones I don't want, but every time I open another document they re-appear. Is there any way to set a default of which ones appear so I don't have to keep closing everything I don't want?


Try turning off those toolbars in a blank document, then
choose Save As, change Save as type: to Document Template,
name it Normal and replace your existing
-----Original Message-----
Every time I open a Word document, certain toolbars
appear with it that I don't want to see. The ones that
open that I do NOT want are: Reviewing, PDF Maker 5.0
(Adobe Editor) and Drawing. The ones I DO want are the
Standard and Formatting.
I keep going into the Customizing Toolbars menu and
unchecking the ones I don't want, but every time I open
another document they re-appear. Is there any way to set
a default of which ones appear so I don't have to keep
closing everything I don't want?


Thanks! I will give that a try

However, I just considered an additional possible complication. Many of the Word documents I open are not created by me. We have a shared server at my office so we can share documents

If I open other's documents, will my normal template still apply?

Charles Kenyon

Do _not_ do this. You'll lose your AutoText and any saved Macros. Will post
more soon.

Charles Kenyon

See the MVP FAQ: <URL:> which is awesome!
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and questions to the newsgroup so that others can learn
from my ignorance and your wisdom.

Amie said:
Thanks! I will give that a try.

However, I just considered an additional possible complication. Many of
the Word documents I open are not created by me. We have a shared server at
my office so we can share documents.

Charles Kenyon

Do _not_ overwrite your template. That was bad advice and won't
fix the problem.

For the drawing toolbar, open Word but not any specific Word document. Close
the drawing toolbar under the View toolbars menu. Close Word. When you
reopen Word, the toolbar should be gone. The thing is that to have this work
you have to do it in all open documents if you have more than one open. If
it doesn't work for you, you can use the more drastic method that follows:

For the reviewing toolbar see <URL:>. While that
page is about the web toolbar, the reviewing toolbar is similarly annoying.
The same fix works for it.

The PDF toolbar is a product of Adobe Acrobat and is one of the problems
inflicted by that program on Word. I am assuming that you have the option
Tools => Options => Save
for Prompt to save Normal template unchecked. It should be checked; it is
like a smoke alarm. The reason I assume this is otherwise you would have
been getting prompted every time you quit Word about whether you want to
save changes made to the Normal template. The Acrobat add-in makes such
changes every time you start Word. I believe this is an Add-In template and
you can simply remove it from your Word Startup folder (or Office Startup
folder). This will get rid of the toolbar as well. Don't delete it in case
you want to use it at some point in the future.

Charles Kenyon

See the MVP FAQ: <URL:> which is awesome!
--------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
This message is posted to a newsgroup. Please post replies
and questions to the newsgroup so that others can learn
from my ignorance and your wisdom.

Amie said:
Every time I open a Word document, certain toolbars appear with it that I
don't want to see. The ones that open that I do NOT want are: Reviewing,
PDF Maker 5.0 (Adobe Editor) and Drawing. The ones I DO want are the
Standard and Formatting.
I keep going into the Customizing Toolbars menu and unchecking the ones I
don't want, but every time I open another document they re-appear. Is there
any way to set a default of which ones appear so I don't have to keep
closing everything I don't want?

Graham Mayor

Amie said:
Thanks for your help! I will give it a shot!

For the Adobe toolbar - see
For the drawing and reviewing toolbars a pair of macros will keep those
under control (though drawing is not usually a problem):

Sub Autonew()
CommandBars("Reviewing").Visible = False
CommandBars("Drawing").Visible = False
End Sub

Sub AutoOpen()
ActiveWindow.Caption = ActiveDocument.FullName
CommandBars("Reviewing").Visible = False
CommandBars("Drawing").Visible = False
End Sub


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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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Word MVP web site
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