How do I change Hindi number to Arabic numbers in a Word document.



I translated an Arabic document into English using TRADOS 6.5 on a Windows
XP system with Word 2002. All of the numbers are still in hindi format. Is
there a way to automatically convert them to Arabic numerals, ie 1, 2, 3...)?


Michael McCain
Freelance Translator

Klaus Linke

Hi Michael,

If they're done with auto-numbering, you could just change the numbering style.
If they're "hard" text, you can probably use the macro below to toggle between arabic and Devangari numbers:

' toggles between Devangari and arabic numbers;
' select numbers, then run the macro (for example using
' a keyboard shortcut)
Dim myString As String
myString = Selection.Text
Dim myCode As Long
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To Len(myString)
myCode = AscW(Mid(myString, i, 1))
Select Case myCode
Case AscW("0") To AscW("9")
Mid(myString, i, 1) = ChrW(&H936 + myCode)
Case &H966 To &H96F
Mid(myString, i, 1) = ChrW(myCode - &H936)
Case Else
' do nothing
End Select
Next i
Selection.Text = myString

If you haven't used macros before, see


michael mccain via

In a few quick tests, changing the numbering style in Word seems to work.
Thanks for the feedback.

Michael McCain

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