How do I change a "file" so that it imports?




I'm having a problem in that one of my AVI files which I saved is saved only as "file" and not as one that automatically opens with Windows Media Player, nor can it be imported to MovieMaker 2, because it's "not a recognized file type". When I click the icon for it, the file requires me to choose from a list and, choosing Windows Media Player, it plays just fine. So I've tried saving it while it's in Windows Media, but it still will only save a generic "file" which still won't import into MovieMaker. I'm at a loss as to how I created it as simply a generic "file" and how to resave it in a format recognized by MovieMaker.

Any ideas how I an overcome this and resave it/convert it



What is the file extension (the part of the name after the
dot)? If it is not avi or wmv try renaming it so it does
end in one of those.

John Kelly

Hi there,

Your problem arises out of a failure on your part or a failure on the
part of the program to give this "files" a proper name. To sort things out
right click the "file" and select rename, then type something like
"MyMovie.AVI" and then you should find that you will be able to use it

Please not that the help given is based on your remark that the file is
an AVI. If it is not an AVI then the instructions sill most likely fail. If
it does fail try substituting "WMV" instead of "AVI".

Best Wishes.....John Kelly


Thanks for both replies. Unfortunately neither approach worked and it remains a mystery. So I spent several hours reediting and saved the project again and it worked properly. Yet another glitch to be aware of when editing AVI files on a near entry level laptop and pushing it to its limits, I guess.

John Kelly

Hi there,

Trevor said:
Thanks for both replies. Unfortunately neither approach worked and it
remains a mystery. So I spent several hours reediting and saved the project
again and it worked properly. Yet another glitch to be aware of when editing
AVI files on a near entry level laptop and pushing it to its limits, I

Well that's one for the books then. If anyone ever writes one that is :)

Best Wishes.....John Kelly

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