How do I assign value of formula to a variable?



I want to assign the value a formula to a variable. In a sheet named Data I
have range of cells a1:g200 that contain values. I want to assign the
maximum value to myVariable.

I've tried:

myVariable = Max(Range("Data!a1:g200")).Value

but I get an error 'Sub or Function not defined.

Thanks for any help.

Dave Patrick

myVariable = Application.WorksheetFunction.Max(Range("a1:g200"))



Dave Patrick ....Please no email replies - reply in newsgroup.
Microsoft Certified Professional
Microsoft MVP [Windows]

|I want to assign the value a formula to a variable. In a sheet named Data
| have range of cells a1:g200 that contain values. I want to assign the
| maximum value to myVariable.
| I've tried:
| myVariable = Max(Range("Data!a1:g200")).Value
| but I get an error 'Sub or Function not defined.
| Thanks for any help.

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