How do I add row total when cell contains both number and letter .



I have a timesheet spreadsheet. Cell contents include hours and coding.
Example: 8 (8 hours regular pay-no letter) or 8V (8 hours vacation pay). I
want to have a total at the end but my formula will only read the cells that
don't have a letter after the number.


If the text value is always "V" you could use something like
entered as an array formula (control-shift -return)
If there are other codes than just V, it gets a little more complex. if the
coding is never more than just one character you could use
entered as array formula.


There are several codes used, but only one per cell. Example...
04/15 04/16 04/17
8 8V 8H

Does that make sense? I'd attach the spreadsheet if I could.


The second equation should work then

carriebarcroft said:
There are several codes used, but only one per cell. Example...
04/15 04/16 04/17
8 8V 8H

Does that make sense? I'd attach the spreadsheet if I could.


=SUM(A1:A4)+(COUNTIF(A1:A4,"8v")*8)+(COUNTIF(A1:A4,"8H")*8)...etc etc for
additional codes........

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3

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