how do I add H:\TEMP to trusted zone on W2003 server


mikko heikkinen

I have a couple production W2003 servers which have all activeX and java
disabled but I would like to add some pages that reside on the local drive
to IE trusted zone for local viewing

the files are reports that the W2003 auto-generates and it also removes them
automatically every 48 hours
they are all .html files and contain either activex or java graphics written
on the same local server

problem is, that as soon as I fire up Explorer, navigate to the H:\ drive
and click on any .html file in that local drive folder, IE6 opens and I get
an activex warning (disabled) and the page does not display the correct data
next, I click on Tools, Internet Options, Security, Trusted Zones

I want to add H:\TEMP to the trusted zone but can't figure out how
the format H:\TEMP is not accepted, neither is file://H:/TEMP or

the actual .html files reside in temporary subfolders under h:\temp
oddly, I can add file://H$ but that does not remove the activex restriction
for H:\TEMP

Kristofer Gafvert


Is H: a mapped drive? If so, you need to add the actual machine IP/name. For
example, if H: is \\\share then add \\ to the Intrance

mikko heikkinen

Kristofer Gafvert wrote
Is H: a mapped drive?

no it is a local drive, just as C:\ is a local drive, a physical, real drive
attached to the server
If so, you need to add the actual machine IP/name. For
example, if H: is \\\share then add \\ to the Intrance

ok, so the above does not apply then? how does one add a local drive to the
trusted zone?
I can add file://H$ just like I can add file://C$ but that does not solve
issue of html files in H:\TEMP being seen as in the "trusted zone", thus any
activex and java does not execute

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