How do I activate the first worksheet?



I want to activate the first worksheet out of x number in a workbook.
The sheet names will vary every time, so I was wondering how you select the
first sheet using generic code.
Thanks, Mel


Excellent, and so simple! Cheers Keith.
Is there a way of activating the last sheet again? There may be any number
of sheets so I guess its not Worksheets(20 or whatever).Activate

Thanks, Mel


You might try:

Sub LastSht()
Dim CntSheets As Long

'Activate last worksheet in the workbook
With Application
CntSheets = .Sheets.Count - .Charts.Count
End With

End Sub


Thanks Chad, that worked great :)

Chad said:
You might try:

Sub LastSht()
Dim CntSheets As Long

'Activate last worksheet in the workbook
With Application
CntSheets = .Sheets.Count - .Charts.Count
End With

End Sub

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