How do find a empty field/value/records?



I know it should be very easy but I am new in ASP so I could not
figured out.
Here is the simplified version of my code:

thePaymentID= request.querystring("IDValue")

SQLqueryPayment= "SELECT sum(paid) as paid, sum(Interest) as interest
FROM payment WHERE payment_ID =" & thePaymentID & ""

dim rstempPayment
set conntemp=server.createobject("adodb.connection")
conntemp.Open "DSN=payment"

set rstempPayment=conntemp.execute(SQLqueryPayment)

fldValPaid = rstempOwner.Fields("paid").Value
I need to find out if "fldValPaid" hold anything. I will use it an
IF ELSE statement. In payment table a particular record could exist or
not. How do I find out by evaluating "fldValPaid" if any record
exists or not. I have to find out using "fldValPaid" ...I can not
use number of record/record return or any other method.

I hope you understand my question.

S. Justin Gengo


If Not fldValPaid Is DbNull.Value Then
'---A value was returned
End If


S. Justin Gengo, MCP
Web Developer / Programmer

"Out of chaos comes order."

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