How can you tell which DC is used by default by another server ?



We have a remote site where an ageing Windows 2000 DC sits. I want to
replace it by a VM server in the same subnet. The latter has been
built, but I need to prove that other servers (mainly web servers) in
that site, are no longer dependent upon it. How can I tell what DC is
used by individuals computers in this site?


Phillip Drummond


this will tell you what server authenticated you. if you also use the dc for
dns, youll have to address this too obviously

Jorge Silva

Before demotion is recomendable that you turnoff the 2000 Dcs for a couple
of days, if everything is working you shouldn't have a problem, if not, fix
it and then do the same test again, if OK, then demote the DCs.

I hope that the information above helps you.
Have a Nice day.

Jorge Silva
MCSE, MVP Directory Services


Regrettably I cannot turn off the existing DC for a few days, as it is
on the same box as a web server (lousy arrangement I know). I was
thinking of stopping the Netlogon service though, and seeing if all
the services continue to function.

Thanks to Phillip for the command line prompt.

What determines the order of DCs that client servers contact, and is
there a way of changing this?


Jorge Silva

by default is load balanced between the existing servers on client's site.

I hope that the information above helps you.
Have a Nice day.

Jorge Silva
MCSE, MVP Directory Services

Paul Bergson [MVP-DS]

If there is only one dc in a site then all clients in the same site will use
this dc to authenticate. If you want to demote this dc and have another dc
takes its place then there are several steps you want to take to
decommission this dc.

I have an article on this, check it out at:

Paul Bergson
MVP - Directory Services
MCT, MCSE, MCSA, Security+, BS CSci
2003, 2000 (Early Achiever), NT

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Hank Arnold (MVP)

KingCronos said:
Regrettably I cannot turn off the existing DC for a few days, as it is
on the same box as a web server (lousy arrangement I know). I was
thinking of stopping the Netlogon service though, and seeing if all
the services continue to function.

That's what I would do. Make sure, though, that the new DC is a GC and
it has all the roles that the old one had.


Hank Arnold
Microsoft MVP
Windows Server - Directory Services

Paul Bergson [MVP-DS]

Check out an article I have on decommissioning if that is of any assistance.
It should cover any specific roles you would have on a DC.

Paul Bergson
MVP - Directory Services
MCT, MCSE, MCSA, Security+, BS CSci
2003, 2000 (Early Achiever), NT

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This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

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