How can I validate a check box in FrontPage 2000 using Javascript.



I'm going nuts trying to successfully write validation code for form check
boxes in FrontPage 2000. I have used FrontPage to validate option buttons
and text boxes and I know that I cannot use it to validate check boxes, so I
am trying to insert my own code, but it seems to totally ignore it. How do I
make it work?

Thomas A. Rowe

You have to modify/add your code to the code generated by FP, then you have to remove all FP webbot
code from your form. To access the code generated by FP, view the form in IE, then copy to notepad,
then add your modifications and assign a unique name to the code, and change the form name assigned
by FP to the code and the form tag.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
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