how can i use same range of data for different formulas in excel?



lets say I have a range of data A1:D15 and i need to calculate sum, average,
min, max, etc... of that range. Can I do that without reselecting all cells
A1:D15 or typing every time "sum(A1:D15)", "average(A1:D15)", "min..." and
or maybe it is posible to program than one cell would contain all values of
the range? and it would be possible to click on that cell and all
calculations would be maid with values of that range?
and how would be to change range to A1:E16 and recalculate?


First define a Name for the range of Cells by pressing CTRL + F3.
Then select the range to which that name applies.
Eg :
and add a name for it to be identified by eg. MyRange

thats it and then use it any number of times by simply replacing the name in
place of the range $A$1:$A$10

eg : =Sum(MyRange)


name, say, A1 to H35 as "myrange"

then use formulas such as AVERAGE(myrange)

this will accomodate increasing data, but check if average counts blank
cells, as that would introduce an error - perhaps have to work out
average by SUM(myrange)/COUNT(myrange)


You could assign RangeNames to your ranges and use them in the formulas......
Select the range A1:D15, then do Insert > Name > Define > and type AtoD in
the "Names in Workbook: small window > OK.........then you can use formulas
like =SUM(AtoD), or =AVERAGE(AtoD), etc etc......

Then, highlight A1:E15 and name that range AtoE, and do the same thing.

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3

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