how can i use my computer to make a map of my library for student


mrs. bookheart

I want to make a map of our school library and have my students to label the
areas as a first day activity. Is there a tutorial for this?


i'm not sure if there is a map tutorial or not but i have made quite a
number of maps using excel. warehouses, productions floors, my house, my
brothers house and others. it's not hard really.
first get all your mesurement of the area you want to map.
then adjust the spreadsheet grid to squares that represent a standard size
say 1 foot. it would be nice to adjust the square's size so that all or most
of the map area fits on the screen.
after that you can just use line and color to render in the various areas
of the map.
note: with the squaares set to a standard size(1 foot?) you may have to do
some rounding off of measurement of say 10'3". round walls tend to be a
probem also but you can use the drawing toolbar if you just have to get that

good luck

Bill Sharpe

mrs. bookheart said:
I want to make a map of our school library and have my students to label the
areas as a first day activity. Is there a tutorial for this?

Excel would not be my first choice for creating a map, even if the map
is rectangular in shape. I'd use Publisher, assuming you've got the full
MS Office suite available. Otherwise I'd use either Paint or Word's
drawing features.


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