how can I set up a backdrop in Exel?



I have a pre printed form (Word document) that I would like to set as a
backdrop in Exel, so I can enter data in the relevant boxes and Exel will add
them up. Is this possible and if so How? I am using Office Student and
Teacher Edition 2003.


Why not add them up in Word? A quick look at HELP in Word produced this...

Add, subtract, and perform other calculations
To perform simple arithmetic operations or calculate mathematical
expressions, use the = (Formula) field. You can use the = (Formula) field
with bookmarks in text and with cell references in tables.

The = (Formula) field below sums the entries in a table column. The numeric
picture switch (\# $#,#0.00) instructs Word to display the sum with the
currency symbol and to use a comma as the thousands separator.

Our profits this month are { = SUM(Table3 C2:C7) \# $#,#0.00 }.
Our profits this month are $91,483.54.


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