How can I run multi action queries in one execution?



I would like to create a excution command to run update queries, make table one run, similar to command button but ONLY one button. Thanks. e.g. a button create in a For

UPDATE [Make tbl Daily Neg adj and tran SUM] INNER JOIN [Balance Sheet Current] ON ([Make tbl Daily Neg adj and tran SUM].LOC = [Balance Sheet Current].SITE) AND ([Make tbl Daily Neg adj and tran SUM].PART_NUMBER = [Balance Sheet Current].[PART#]) SET [Balance Sheet Current].[Adj (-)] = [SumOfQUANTITY
WHERE ((([Make tbl Daily Neg adj and tran SUM].CODE) Like "*70*"))

UPDATE [Make tbl Daily Neg adj and tran SUM] INNER JOIN [Balance Sheet Current] ON ([Make tbl Daily Neg adj and tran SUM].LOC = [Balance Sheet Current].SITE) AND ([Make tbl Daily Neg adj and tran SUM].PART_NUMBER = [Balance Sheet Current].[PART#]) SET [Balance Sheet Current].[Adj (+)] = [SumOfQUANTITY
WHERE ((([Make tbl Daily Neg adj and tran SUM].CODE) Like "*30*"))

Tony Toews

BestbuyFS said:
I would like to create a excution command to run update queries, make table one run, similar to command button but ONLY one button. Thanks. e.g. a button create in a Form

You can call multiple queries from within VBA.

I prefer, if DAO, to use Currentdb.Execute strSQL,dbfailonerror
command instead of docmd.runsql. For ADO use
CurrentProject.Connection.Execute strCommand, lngRecordsAffected,

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
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Use the Macros tab in the database window to create a macro that runs the queries
Put a command button on the form and have the command button run that macro

Hope this helps
Anne Tro
Author: Dreamboat on Wor
Email: Dreamboat*at*

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