How can I name Worksheet Tabs based on some king of reference?



Does anyone know if it's possible to Name an Excel Worksheet Tab based on
some kind of reference (cell) or calculation or function?


Thank You! Actually this exact one didn't work; but in searching through
these forums - I found & used this:
Sub wsname()
Dim ws As Worksheet
For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
ws.Name = ws.Range("B4").Value
Next ws
End Sub
But, in doing so, recognize and salute you as a true 'Excel MVP'

Gord Dibben

What is "doesn't work"?

It is meant to run automatically on a calculated change in C2 value.

Did you place the code into the sheet module?

Did you check out the google search thread?

The code you have chosen is a regular macro and requires you to to run manually.



Forget about that now; I'm getting fancier. I saw that you gave someone code
to Create Tabs based on a list; and simultaneously have those new Worksheet
be a copy of the Original "Master". This is that Code: But it hasn't worked
for me! Can you test it and help me figure out what I'm doing wrong?

Assuming Master sheet is named "Master" and has a list in A1:A100

Sub Copy_Sheet()
Dim rCell As Range
For Each rCell In Sheets("Master").Range("A1:A100")
ActiveSheet.Copy After:=ActiveSheet
ActiveSheet.Name = rCell.Value
ActiveSheet.Range("B2").Value = rCell.Value
Next rCell
End Sub

Each new sheet will be a copy of "Master" with a new name and have that sheet
name in B2

Gord Dibben

Works for me but I used a limited range of A1:A20 when I tested.

Make sure you have enough names in Master sheet range A1:A100 or you will throw
an error.

None of the names can be duplicates.

Test it yourself with a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i in A1:A9

I would go with Dave Peterson's code istead of the code you have.

Sub CreateNameSheets()
' by Dave Peterson
' List sheetnames required in col A in a sheet: List
' Sub will copy sheets based on the sheet named as: Template
' and name the sheets accordingly

Dim TemplateWks As Worksheet
Dim ListWks As Worksheet
Dim ListRng As Range
Dim myCell As Range

Set TemplateWks = Worksheets("Master")
Set ListWks = Worksheets("list")
With ListWks
Set ListRng = .Range("a1", .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp))
End With

For Each myCell In ListRng.Cells
TemplateWks.Copy After:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)
On Error Resume Next
ActiveSheet.Name = myCell.Value
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
MsgBox "Please fix: " & ActiveSheet.Name
End If
On Error GoTo 0
Next myCell

End Sub


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