How can I do something like Google adverts?


Alan Silver


Seems everyone's site nowadays has those "Ads by Goooooogle" boxes on
them. I would like to do something similar, so I can provide an
affiliate scheme. I don't want to supply HTML for other site owners to
include in their pages as it's certain they'll either get it wrong, or
change it.

Google have code like...

<script type="text/javascript"

which sends back the HTML for the adverts. Any idea how this is done?


John Timney \( MVP \)

its just a bunch of js functions that use document.write to output html.
You can do exactly the same thing.


John Timney
Microsoft Regional Director

Alan Silver

its just a bunch of js functions that use document.write to output html.
You can do exactly the same thing.

Oh, is it that simple? Aren't I daft!!

Any idea how they stop you loading it? If you try pulling it directly
from the server, you get an "access forbidden" error. Somehow the
browser seems able to get it though.

Thanks for the reply.

John Timney \( MVP \)

not sure what you mean - the code is its below


John Timney
Microsoft Regional Director

Alan Silver said:
Oh, is it that simple? Aren't I daft!!

Any idea how they stop you loading it? If you try pulling it directly from
the server, you get an "access forbidden" error. Somehow the browser seems
able to get it though.

Thanks for the reply.

function quoted(str) {
return (str != null) ? '"' + str + '"' : '""';

function google_encodeURIComponent(str) {
if (typeof(encodeURIComponent) == 'function') {
return encodeURIComponent(str);
} else {
return escape(str);

function google_write_tracker(d, ad_url, tracker_event) {
var qloc = ad_url.indexOf('?');
var img_src =
img_src += tracker_event;
if (qloc != -1 && qloc + 1 < ad_url.length) {
img_src += '&' + ad_url.substring(qloc + 1);
var img_tag = '<img height="1" width="1" border="0" ' +
'src=' + quoted(img_src) +
' />';

function google_append_url(param, value) {
if (value) {
window.google_ad_url += '&' + param + '=' + value;

function google_append_url_esc(param, value) {
if (value) {
google_append_url(param, google_encodeURIComponent(value));

function google_append_color(param, value, random) {
if (value && typeof(value) == 'object') {
value = value[random % value.length];
google_append_url('color_' + param, value);

function google_get_user_data(w, date) {
var screen = w.screen;
var javaEnabled = navigator.javaEnabled();
var tz = -date.getTimezoneOffset();

if (screen) {
google_append_url("u_h", screen.height);
google_append_url("u_w", screen.width);
google_append_url("u_ah", screen.availHeight);
google_append_url("u_aw", screen.availWidth);
google_append_url("u_cd", screen.colorDepth);

google_append_url("u_tz", tz);
google_append_url("u_his", history.length);
google_append_url("u_java", javaEnabled);

if (navigator.plugins) {
google_append_url("u_nplug", navigator.plugins.length);
if (navigator.mimeTypes) {
google_append_url("u_nmime", navigator.mimeTypes.length);

function google_modify_client(client) {
client = client.toLowerCase();
if (client.substring(0, 3) != 'ca-') {
client = 'ca-' + client;
return client;

function google_write_iframe(w, d, ad_url) {
ad_url = ad_url.substring(0, 1000);
ad_url = ad_url.replace(/%\w?$/, '');

if (w.google_ad_output == 'js' &&
(w.google_ad_request_done || w.google_radlink_request_done)) {
d.write('<script language="JavaScript1.1"' +
' src=' + quoted(ad_url) + '></' + 'script>');
} else if (w.google_ad_output == 'html') {
if ( == 'google_ads_frame') {
google_write_tracker(d, ad_url, 'reboundredirect');
} else {
d.write('<iframe' +
' name="google_ads_frame"' +
' width=' + quoted(w.google_ad_width) +
' height=' + quoted(w.google_ad_height) +
' frameborder=' + quoted(w.google_ad_frameborder) +
' src=' + quoted(ad_url) +
' marginwidth="0"' +
' marginheight="0"' +
' vspace="0"' +
' hspace="0"' +
' allowtransparency="true"' +
' scrolling="no">');
google_write_tracker(d, ad_url, 'noiframe');

function google_reset_variables(w) {
var nullvalue = null;
w.google_ad_frameborder = nullvalue;
w.google_ad_format = nullvalue;
w.google_page_url = nullvalue;
w.google_language = nullvalue;
w.google_gl = nullvalue;
w.google_country = nullvalue;
w.google_region = nullvalue;
w.google_city = nullvalue;
w.google_hints = nullvalue;
w.google_safe = nullvalue;
w.google_encoding = nullvalue;
w.google_ad_output = nullvalue;
w.google_max_num_ads = nullvalue;
w.google_ad_channel = nullvalue;
w.google_contents = nullvalue;
w.google_alternate_ad_url = nullvalue;
w.google_alternate_color = nullvalue;
w.google_color_bg = nullvalue;
w.google_color_text = nullvalue;
w.google_color_link = nullvalue;
w.google_color_url = nullvalue;
w.google_color_border = nullvalue;
w.google_color_line = nullvalue;
w.google_adtest = nullvalue;
w.google_kw_type = nullvalue;
w.google_kw = nullvalue;
w.google_num_radlinks = nullvalue;
w.google_max_radlink_len = nullvalue;
w.google_rl_filtering = nullvalue;
w.google_rl_mode = nullvalue;
w.google_rt = nullvalue;
w.google_ad_type = nullvalue;
w.google_image_size = nullvalue;
w.google_feedback = nullvalue;
w.google_skip = nullvalue;
w.google_page_location = nullvalue;
w.google_referrer_url = nullvalue;
w.google_ad_region = nullvalue;
w.google_ad_section = nullvalue;
w.google_bid = nullvalue;
w.google_cpa_choice = nullvalue;

function google_show_ad() {
var nullvalue = null;
var w = window;
var d = document;
var date = new Date();
var random = date.getTime();
var format = w.google_ad_format;

if (w.google_cpa_choice) {
w.google_ad_url = '';
w.google_ad_url += 'client=' +
w.google_ad_region = '_google_cpa_region_';
google_append_url('cpa_choice', w.google_cpa_choice);
} else {
w.google_ad_url = '';
w.google_ad_url += 'client=' +

var num_slots_by_client = w.google_num_slots_by_client;
var num_slots_by_channel = w.google_num_slots_by_channel;
var prev_ad_formats = w.google_prev_ad_formats_by_region;

w.onerror = w.google_org_error_handler;

if (w.google_ad_region == nullvalue && w.google_ad_section != nullvalue) {
w.google_ad_region = w.google_ad_section;

var region = (w.google_ad_region == nullvalue) ? '' : w.google_ad_region;

var is_zero_ad_format = false;
if (format) {
is_zero_ad_format = ((format).indexOf('_0ads')) > 0;

if (is_zero_ad_format) {
if (w.google_num_0ad_slots) {
w.google_num_0ad_slots = w.google_num_0ad_slots + 1;
} else {
w.google_num_0ad_slots = 1;

if (w.google_num_0ad_slots > 1) {
} else if (!w.google_cpa_choice) {
if (w.google_num_ad_slots) {
w.google_num_ad_slots = w.google_num_ad_slots + 1;
} else {
w.google_num_ad_slots = 1;

if (w.google_num_slots_to_rotate) {
prev_ad_formats[region] = nullvalue;
if (w.google_num_slot_to_show == nullvalue) {
w.google_num_slot_to_show = random % w.google_num_slots_to_rotate +
if (w.google_num_slot_to_show != w.google_num_ad_slots) {
} else if (w.google_num_ad_slots > 3 && region == '') {

google_append_url('dt', date.getTime());
google_append_url('hl', w.google_language);
if (w.google_country) {
google_append_url('gl', w.google_country);
} else {
google_append_url('gl', w.google_gl);
google_append_url('gr', w.google_region);
google_append_url_esc('gcs', w.google_city);
google_append_url_esc('hints', w.google_hints);
google_append_url('adsafe', w.google_safe);
google_append_url('oe', w.google_encoding);
google_append_url('lmt', w.google_last_modified_time);
google_append_url('alt_color', w.google_alternate_color);
google_append_url("skip", w.google_skip);

var client = w.google_ad_client;
if (!num_slots_by_client[client]) {
num_slots_by_client[client] = 1;
num_slots_by_client.length += 1;
} else {
num_slots_by_client[client] += 1;

if (prev_ad_formats[region]) {
if (num_slots_by_client.length > 1) {
google_append_url('slot', num_slots_by_client[client]);

if (format) {
google_append_url_esc('format', format.toLowerCase());
if (prev_ad_formats[region]) {
prev_ad_formats[region] = prev_ad_formats[region] + ',' + format;
} else {
prev_ad_formats[region] = format;

google_append_url('num_ads', w.google_max_num_ads);
google_append_url('output', w.google_ad_output);
google_append_url('adtest', w.google_adtest);

if (w.google_ad_channel) {
var chnl = w.google_ad_channel.toLowerCase();
google_append_url_esc('channel', chnl);
var pv_ch = '';
var arr = chnl.split('+');
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
var ch = arr;
if (!num_slots_by_channel[ch]) {
num_slots_by_channel[ch] = 1;
} else {
pv_ch += ch + '+';
google_append_url_esc('pv_ch', pv_ch);

google_append_url_esc('url', w.google_page_url);
google_append_color('bg', w.google_color_bg, random);
google_append_color('text', w.google_color_text, random);
google_append_color('link', w.google_color_link, random);
google_append_color('url', w.google_color_url, random);
google_append_color('border', w.google_color_border, random);
google_append_color('line', w.google_color_line, random);
google_append_url('kw_type', w.google_kw_type);
google_append_url_esc('kw', w.google_kw);
google_append_url_esc('contents', w.google_contents);
google_append_url('num_radlinks', w.google_num_radlinks);
google_append_url('rl_filtering', w.google_rl_filtering);
google_append_url('rl_mode', w.google_rl_mode);
google_append_url('rt', w.google_rt);
google_append_url('ad_type', w.google_ad_type);
google_append_url('image_size', w.google_image_size);
google_append_url('region', w.google_ad_region);
google_append_url('feedback_link', w.google_feedback);
google_append_url_esc('ref', w.google_referrer_url);
google_append_url_esc('loc', w.google_page_location);
google_append_url('bid', w.google_bid);

if (google_onpage(w, d) && d.body) {
var scr_h = d.body.scrollHeight;
var clt_h = d.body.clientHeight;
if (clt_h && scr_h) {
google_append_url_esc('cc', Math.round(clt_h * 100 / scr_h));

google_get_user_data(w, date);
google_write_iframe(w, d, w.google_ad_url);

function google_error_handler(message, url, line) {
return true;

function google_onpage(w, d) {
return == d.location;

function google_in_adframe(w, d) {
var documentElement = d.documentElement;

if (google_onpage(w, d)) return false;

if (w.google_ad_width && w.google_ad_height) {
var wd = 1;
var ht = 1;
if (w.innerHeight) {
wd = w.innerWidth;
ht = w.innerHeight;
} else if (documentElement && documentElement.clientHeight) {
wd = documentElement.clientWidth;
ht = documentElement.clientHeight;
} else if (d.body) {
wd = d.body.clientWidth;
ht = d.body.clientHeight;

if (ht > 2 * w.google_ad_height || wd > 2 * w.google_ad_width) {
return false;

return true;

function google_init_globals() {
var w = window;
var d = document;
var location = d.location;
var referrer = d.referrer;
var nullvalue = null;

w.google_org_error_handler = w.onerror;
w.onerror = google_error_handler;

if (w.google_ad_frameborder == nullvalue) {
w.google_ad_frameborder = 0;

if (w.google_ad_output == nullvalue) {
w.google_ad_output = 'html';

if (w.google_ad_format == nullvalue && w.google_ad_output == 'html') {
w.google_ad_format = w.google_ad_width + 'x' + w.google_ad_height;

if (w.google_page_url == nullvalue) {
w.google_page_url = referrer;
if (!google_in_adframe(w, d)) {
w.google_page_url = location;
w.google_last_modified_time = Date.parse(d.lastModified) / 1000;
w.google_referrer_url = referrer;
} else {
w.google_page_location = referrer;
if (!google_in_adframe(w, d)) {
w.google_page_location = location;

if (w.google_num_slots_by_channel == nullvalue) {
w.google_num_slots_by_channel = new Array();

if (w.google_num_slots_by_client == nullvalue) {
w.google_num_slots_by_client = new Array();

if (w.google_prev_ad_formats_by_region == nullvalue) {
w.google_prev_ad_formats_by_region = new Array();


Alan Silver

not sure what you mean - the code is its below

Isn't that odd, I tried grabbing it a few weeks back and got a forbidden
access error. Ho hum.

Anyway, it occurred to me that it would be much better to point the src
attribute of the <script> tag to an ASP.NET page that generated one
document.write statement. That way, all the inner workings would be
hidden, and anyone loading the page directly would only see one
Javascript command that wrote out the HTML. That's even safer.

Ta ra

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