How can I count numbers of specific letter in a document?


Jan Kronsell

There may be an easier way, but this is what I do. I count the number of
letters in the document. Then i search and replace for instance "t" with
nothing. Then counts the letters again. The difference between the two
numbers, are the number of t's. Then I do the same for the other letters.


Greg Maxey


You can use this macro:

Sub CountOccurrences()

Dim iCount As Long

Dim strSearch As String

strSearch = InputBox$("Type in the character-word-or phrase that you want to
find and count.")

iCount = 0

With ActiveDocument.Content.Find

.Text = strSearch

.Format = False

.Wrap = wdFindStop

Do While .Execute

iCount = iCount + 1


End With

If iCount = 1 Then

MsgBox Chr$(34) & strSearch & Chr$(34) & " was found " & _

iCount & " time."

End If

If iCount > 1 Then

MsgBox Chr$(34) & strSearch & Chr$(34) & " was found " & _

iCount & " times."

End If

End Sub

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