How can I add page numbers to a doc without the format getting all messed up?



I've got a 12 page doc with .75 inch margins all around and a footnote on pg
11. and I need to number pp 2-12. How would I do this without messing up the
formatting? I can't make it any longer in that the doc has to be 12 pages or
fewer and I'm already at the bottom of the 12th page and I don't want to
remove any text.

Thank you,



Hi John,

You could put a page number field in the document header or footer - and format the header or footer to suit your layout needs.

To suppress the page number on page 1, you could:
.. format the document's page layout to have a 'different first page', and only insert the page number into the 2nd page header or
.. insert a 'next page' Section break at the end of that page, then format the header or footer for the Section starting on page 2 so
that it's unlinked from the header or footer on the page 1; or
.. use a field in the header or footer coded as {IF{PAGE}> 1 {PAGE}} or {={PAGE}-1 \# 0;;}
For either of the first two methods above, you can format the page # to start from '1' on page 2, if you prefer. For the last
method, the second version of the field code achieve the same end.

Note: The field brace pairs (ie '{ }') for the last example are created via Ctrl-F9 - you can't simply type them or copy & paste
them from this message.

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