How can I activate a combobox by keyboard strokes ?



I want to pull down a combo box that is within an Excel sheet and select an
item within the list by the keyboard instead of using the mouse which will
satisfy the user in case the user doesn't want to switch between keyboard
and mouse all the time. How can I activate the combobox events (such as
dropdown and select an item by pressing return key) automatically from the
keyboard strokes or do I have to write my own procedures ?


Andy Pope

Hi Oscar,

Have you tried ALT + down arrow?
I want to pull down a combo box that is within an Excel sheet and select an
item within the list by the keyboard instead of using the mouse which will
satisfy the user in case the user doesn't want to switch between keyboard
and mouse all the time. How can I activate the combobox events (such as
dropdown and select an item by pressing return key) automatically from the
keyboard strokes or do I have to write my own procedures ?




Tom Ogilvy

What kind of comobox

Data validation (List option)
Dropdown box from the forms toolbar
Combobox from the control toolbox toolbar



the combobox was added by

choose bar 'Visual Basic'
select the control combobox with entry ability from the bar
draw the combobox at the sheet by making the sqaure with the mouse

press on 'edit modus' at the Visual Basic bar to edit the properties of the
the name of the bar is given 'ComboBox1' automatically.


Tom Ogilvy

I put this macro in a general module (in the VBE, Insert=>Module)

Sub ActivateCombobo()
End Sub

Then went back to Excel and in Tools=>Macro=>Macros, I selected it and
clicked the option button and but a lowercase b in for the short cut key, so
the short cut key is Ctrl+b

Then I could do Ctrl+B, Alt and down arrow do drop the list, (or use just
the down arrow to go throught the list without droping the list), then used
down and up arrow to scroll through the list and enter to make a selection.


Thanks Tom,

the keyword to focus the combobox was 'activate' as you mentioned. However,
there is one problem,

When I push the arrow down button, the ComboBox_click() event is fired
immediately which calls the necessary processing routine. So I am not able
to scroll down the list to look for the specific item and then press at
RETURN. Is there a way to overcome this ?


Tom Ogilvy

Lightly tested, but you could probably use the Keydown or Keyup event to
trigger your action - test for the enter key. Move your code out of the
click event.

Another consideration is how you get out of the Combobox. You need to do
that as well and the Keyup event can be used as well:

Private Sub ComboBox1_KeyUp(ByVal KeyCode As MSForms.ReturnInteger, ByVal
Shift As Integer)
If KeyCode = 13 Then
' your click event code
End If

End Sub



I've also implemented the KeyDown routine as well and I am able to handle
the processing now.
There is only one small but main problem : I need to set the
combobox.visible =false after the processing.
While this has worked within the Combobox_Click() event, implementing
ComboBox1.visible =false within the ComboBox1_KeyDown event, causes Excel to
crash. Any suggestion how to overcome this ?


Tom Ogilvy

In the keydown event

Application.Ontime Now, "Hidecombo"

in a general/standard module

Public Sub Hidecombo()
Activesheet.Combobox1.visible = False
End sub



thanks again for your help, the problem is almost completely solved because
there are still situations sometimes at which Excel crashes again. I've seen
that adding 'Doevents' sometimes can solve the problem. So I will have to
study this first.


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