How can an Outlook Folder be found?



I have set up Outlook folders similar to Exploerer folders with subfolders
for organization, but have not found a way to find these folders similar to
the Search Function in Explorer for "All Files & Folders". So if I can't
remember which folder or subfolder to look in - it can be a lengthy visual

Perhaps I have used the wrong organizational approach to Outlook - if so
please advise how - or where I should be looking for the explanation and
concept of how to do it. Thanks.


The Outlook Folders are contained within the pst file, named, by default,
This is a hidden file, when using Explorer.
The contents, ie Folders etc, are not visible within Explorer.
Within Outlook you can set a View so that your Folders are visible in a left
side pane.
ie In Outlook 2003, View/Navigation pane


I already am using this view - the problem is that there may be 100 or more
folders with subfolders etc.
I'm looking for a way to perform a search similar to the Explorer search
that does a "string" search for all or part of a folder name.
Since Outlook provides an Advanced Email Search that seems to look for
almost any detail - I'm thinking that I have used the wrong conceptual
approach to organizing my Outlook Folders.
I'm a photographer.
This question arises because information may come in that would be helpful
for how to do something. It may be from a manufacturer, a blog, an
individual. I may have filed it in a folder for Equipment - subfolder
Manufacturer or a How To sub folder Subject.
Compound this with all the various details of running a small business and
the attendant areas of interst - it get confusing to find information - I
feel like I need to find a class on how to Use Outlook for Organizational
purposes but this seems to be a varied as there are people. Most of the
mechanics of Outlook I can do - but I don't think I'm correctly using the
right features for the right job. HELP
Your reply is appreciated - if you have more info to add THANKS


Organising data is an art in its self! I think it needs a special mindset,
which I think I'm still lacking :)


In between other work of the day - it has occurred that if Email could be
assigned to Categories this would work for the end result - in fact better in
one respect, because there would not be nor have to be duplicate copies yet
the subject could be cross referrenced in several areas. But a search
function still would be good.

Thanks for the reply.



Have a look at MS Desktop Search tool

WIM4246 said:
In between other work of the day - it has occurred that if Email could be
assigned to Categories this would work for the end result - in fact better in
one respect, because there would not be nor have to be duplicate copies yet
the subject could be cross referrenced in several areas. But a search
function still would be good.

Thanks for the reply.


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