How 2 LOOKUP instead of IF?



Hello every1,

The actual situation is quite a detailed and complex one but lets start with
a simple example:

The "sheet 1" is to be filled up with several columns like:
1 Case Limit Maturity-Date Balance Error
2 abc 100 12/12/2001 80 Maturity date has passed
3 def 3000 12/12/2009 4000 Account Balance is
exceeding the limit
4 ghi 5000 12/12/2008 -200 Amount is negative

"Sheet 2" has a list like:
1 Error Code Message
2 1 Account Balance is exceeding the limit
3 2 Maturity date has passed
4 3 Amount is negative

I want the column E of Sheet 1 to search out the error code automatically
from Sheet 2 and return the message present in the corresponding cell in
column B.

Actually there are several multiple error checks that I want to set out but
typing out a lengthy formula of IF's is nearly impossible and risky.
Conditional formating shall also only highlight the cell but not displaying
the message and also involves the same problem of lengthy formula.

Any way out, PREFERABLY a lookup sort of formula for its applicability upon
all the the computer without lowering the macro security level, otherwise
even a macro shall be gratefully accepted! All your advices shall be valuable.

Thanx in advance,



You already have an answer from Bob Phillips at 9:18am to your first
posting, but since then you have posted the same question two more
times to the same group - there is no point in multi-posting and this
wastes people's time so you are less likely to get a reply.



I am sorry Pete but there seemed to be some problem with my net and probably
the page was not refreshing. I thought that my question had not be posted due
some problem.

Once again I am sorry and beg your pardon.



OK, I understand there has been a problem with the Microsoft interface
to the newsgroups during the last few days and this meant that the
postings were not updated for those users. There are alternative ways
of viewing the postings that you might like to try if the problem
happens again - I use Google Groups:

Hope this helps.



That's a great advice
Thanx Pete
However, is it a completely different group? I mean can I have the same
uestion placed on both the forums so as to have the most valuable advices? or
all the users have access to both?

David Biddulph

It's the same group. The best bet is to access the group directly via a
news server (such as

The Google archive allows flexible searching (for examp;e to see whether a
question similar to yours has previously been asked an answered), and the
archive allows access to messages from years past while a server will expire
messages after a period (perhaps a few months).

Don't try to put the same message onto the group through more than one
route, as then readers would see more than one message asking the same
question and in that case will get annoyed.

Whichever way you put the message onto the group, it ought to be seen
through any of the interfaces mentioned (and through various other web
interfaces). There can be small delays in propagation between different
news servers, and also delays in getting messages into the Google archive,
so you may have to wait some minutes before you see your question (or any
replies), but the delays are not normally as bad as the delays you had with
the Microsoft web interface to the group earlier this week.

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