
  • Thread starter William J. Lunsford
  • Start date

William J. Lunsford

A friend with a new Dell says he has not been able to forward email messages
in Hotmail since the appearance of Hotmail changed a few days ago. He says
everything worked fine in Hotmail before the change in the appearance of the
Website and nothing else on his system has changed. He has a dial-up
account with NetZero.

Does anyone know what could be going on?


Ensure that the web-based Hotmail site isn't being strangled by either or
both Firewall and IE6's Security Settings. If a firewall was/is in place
and it's been popping up asking "can it do this, and can it do that," and a
fearful person has been clicking "No" and ticking, "Always apply this type
of action for this type of query", then you may have to edit some firewall
rules that have been automatically and maybe erroneously created, Phew !

regards, Richard

William J. Lunsford

I searched for a Hotmail group, but found none. Thanks for the suggestion.

William J. Lunsford

I'm sure he doesn't use a firewall. I'll check with him regarding his
security settings. Thanks for the help!

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