hotfix (see q321856 for more information), But Where?



I need some help.
I have a Win2k, sp2, which runs quite happily. Last summer I installed
some hotfixes (worm Blaster32 was the culprit, I guess):
1. hotfix kb823980
2. hotfix (pre-sp4) [see see q321856 for more information]

Now I have an issue with some video filters, and I saw that the hotfix
n.2 may interfer. I checked everywhere in microsoft and elsewhere to
see what the hotfix actually does, but with no results. Does someone
know exactly what

Windows 2000 hotfix (pre-sp4) [see see q321856 for more information]

does, if it is necessary, or if it can be safely removed, and most of
all where I can "see q321856 for more information", with after hours
of search seems to me quite a joke!



Torgeir Bakken (MVP)

gian said:
I need some help.
I have a Win2k, sp2, which runs quite happily. Last summer I installed
some hotfixes (worm Blaster32 was the culprit, I guess):
1. hotfix kb823980
2. hotfix (pre-sp4) [see see q321856 for more information]

Now I have an issue with some video filters, and I saw that the hotfix
n.2 may interfer. I checked everywhere in microsoft and elsewhere to
see what the hotfix actually does, but with no results. Does someone
know exactly what

Windows 2000 hotfix (pre-sp4) [see see q321856 for more information]

does, if it is necessary, or if it can be safely removed,

The reference "Windows 2000 hotfix (pre-sp4)" doesn't tell me anything
without an accompanying hotfix number really.

and most of
all where I can "see q321856 for more information", with after hours
of search seems to me quite a joke!

The knowledge base article q321856 does not exist (at least not in the
public knowledge base).

George Hester

"and I saw that the hotfix n.2 may interfer" - where did you "saw" this? Please point us to the location.


The name

hotfix (see q321856 for more information),

is precisely what appears in Add/Remove Programs list.
Can someone point out what it does?

I was trying to build a graph with Graphedit by using Intervideo Video
and Audio Direct Show filter. In the attempt to insert the Video I
have the message that says that the filter cannot be inserted because
it may be busy and other resources may use it. Memory runs out.

I have another system without the hotfix above and the filter can be
inserted without problems.


Torgeir Bakken (MVP)

gian said:
The name

hotfix (see q321856 for more information),

is precisely what appears in Add/Remove Programs list.
Can someone point out what it does?


Please start regedit.exe and navigate to the key

Then select Edit\Find and search for e.g. the text "see q321856"

You should then be sent to a registry value with the name DisplayName
with the same content as you see as text in the Add/Remove Programs.

What key name is this value placed under?

What is the content of the "UninstallString" value (Select Edit\Modify if
you want to copy the text so you can paste it into the newsgroup posting)?

If you have a HelpLink value, what is the content?


Thanks for your interest:

Please start regedit.exe and navigate to the key
Then select Edit\Find and search for e.g. the text "see q321856"

The further folder is:
You should then be sent to a registry value with the name DisplayName
with the same content as you see as text in the Add/Remove Programs.

DisplayName is:
Windows 2000 Hotfix (Pre-SP4) [See Q321856 for more information]
What key name is this value placed under?

Under DisplayName is a key called:
TSAware REG_DWORD 0x00000001(1)
What is the content of the "UninstallString" value (Select Edit\Modify if
you want to copy the text so you can paste it into the newsgroup posting)?


If you have a HelpLink value, what is the content?

I cannot quite understand what you mean for Helplink value. In the
Q321856 above folder there is no HelpLink value.

Thanks for your help.

Torgeir Bakken (MVP)

gian said:


To maybe get an idea if it can be safely removed, what file names
are listed under the folder C:\WINNT\$NtUninstallQ321856$, and
their modified dates and version numbers (for those that have one)?


To maybe get an idea if it can be safely removed, what file names
are listed under the folder C:\WINNT\$NtUninstallQ321856$, and
their modified dates and version numbers (for those that have one)?

Under the following path:

C:\WINNT\$NtUninstallQ321856$\spuninst\ I found:
spuninst.exe v. 5.02
spuninst.inf date 25.10.2003
svcpack1.dll v. 5.021

Under WINNT/ I found Q321856.log (and Q321856Uninst.log). In it I
found the following lines among others:
Copied file: C:\WINNT\System32\winhttp.dll
Copied file: C:\WINNT\System32\DllCache\winhttp.dll

All the best and TIA

Torgeir Bakken (MVP)

gian said:
Under the following path:

C:\WINNT\$NtUninstallQ321856$\spuninst\ I found:
spuninst.exe v. 5.02
spuninst.inf date 25.10.2003
svcpack1.dll v. 5.021

Under WINNT/ I found Q321856.log (and Q321856Uninst.log). In it I
found the following lines among others:
Copied file: C:\WINNT\System32\winhttp.dll
Copied file: C:\WINNT\System32\DllCache\winhttp.dll


There were no files placed directly in the folder
C:\WINNT\$NtUninstallQ321856$ ?

Anyway, Winhttp.dll comes with Service Pack 3 and 4 for Win2k
(but not with the service pack you have, SP2).

As it looks like q321856 is only touching Winhttp.dll, I would
think q321856 can be pretty safely removed. If that doesn't help
for your problem, you should consider installing SP3 or SP4 instead.

Microsoft MVP Scripting and WMI, Porsgrunn Norway
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