Horizontal merging of cells



I saw the "merge" button and tried it and a window opened up and told
me some information may be lost, and lost it was! What good is that
and how can get around it.

More specifically, I've got say 4 cells to merge into one and I've got
500 rows of text data to merge into 1 cell per row, how can I do this?


Gord Dibben

Don't merge, combine instead.

Stay away from merged cells if at all possible. They cause no end of problems.

In a helper column, say column E enter in E1

=A1 & B1 & C1 & D1

Double-click on E1 fill handle to copy down.

When happy, copy column E and Paste Special(in place)>Values>OK>Esc.

Delete A to D columns.

Note: to have a space between each use

=A1 & " " & B1.....................& D1

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

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