horizontal continuous form



i have a subform with 8 columns and 1 row so a default continuous view where
by a next row of field is displayed if there is data, is great. However, I
have a subform with 1 column and 5 rows, I want to be able to display the
results from left to right, i dont want the datasheet view as i would like to
have spaces round the fields.
Can anyone please help me.

Albert D.Kallal

if you don't want a datasheet view..then use a continues form.

You might have place 5 un-bound columns - fill them via code

(the above 5 text boxes would not be a continues form) --- but could be a
separate sub-form on the right side that fills as you navigate through

Often, for many to many detail forms, I use two sub-forms. Take a look the
following screen shots. The "last" screen shows a break out of amounts into
separate accounts - a classic QuickBooks type idea where you split out funds
to given accounts.


The above might not be what you want..but might give you some ideas. (like
build a "list" of the records, or first record on the left side....as you
navigate..then display the 5 records in another box on the right side).


Hi Tim,

You cold create two identicals forms, one normal form and one SubForm. Put
the SubForm in your Form and you will have what you want.

In a normal Form RecordSource use:

And... In a SubForm RecordSource use something like that:
SELECT * FROM YourTable WHERE COD = "& Forms("YourFrmNormal").cod + 1 &"

Do not forget to put in your OnCurrent normal Form event, SubForm.Requery.

IMPORTANT: Do not forget to rate my answer. Click YES if my post was helpful
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Grande Abraço,
Rubens Cury

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