Home Networking XP - Home to Pro



Happy New Year All,

I have been trying for some time to setup a imple home
network. I can Network my XP Home to WinME. But my
Notebook with XP Pro - will not allow a connection.

Desktop with XP Home has McAfee Firewall and Virus

Desktop with WinME - Innoculate

Laptop with XP Pro has Norton Internet Security

all are connected to the internet through a Linksys
Wireless Router. - both PCs and Router have the IP
addresses in the allowed status.

Is there a easy way to do this? I have been able to see
the ALL connections on the XP Home - but cannot connect
to the XP Pro - I cannot see any other system in Network

Please respond with any ideas, i am open to all



Happy New Year All,

I have been trying for some time to setup a imple home
network. I can Network my XP Home to WinME. But my
Notebook with XP Pro - will not allow a connection.

Desktop with XP Home has McAfee Firewall and Virus

Desktop with WinME - Innoculate

Laptop with XP Pro has Norton Internet Security

all are connected to the internet through a Linksys
Wireless Router. - both PCs and Router have the IP
addresses in the allowed status.

Is there a easy way to do this? I have been able to see
the ALL connections on the XP Home - but cannot connect
to the XP Pro - I cannot see any other system in Network

Please respond with any ideas, i am open to all

Did you try shutting down the firewall on all the computers?

In order to use my network on some computers I have
to shut down the firewall.

"It took us 15 years to McGyver this thing."
-------------------------Carter on Stargate

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Bruce Chambers

Greetings --

On the WinXP PCs, create local user account(s), with non-blank
password(s), that have the desired access privileges to the desired
shares. Log on to the other PCs using those account(s), and you will
be able to access the designated shares, provided your network is
configured properly. Also, make sure that any and all firewalls
are disabled on the internal LAN connections.

Usually, WinXP's Networking Wizard makes it simple and painless --
almost entirely automatic, in fact. There's a lot of useful,
easy-to-follow information in WinXP's Help & Support files, and here:

Home Networking

Networking Information

PracticallyNetworked Home

Steve Winograd's Networking FAQ

Internet Firewalls Can Prevent Browsing and File Sharing

Bruce Chambers

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You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on
having both at once. -- RAH

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