

jon gillis

Windows Defender has found a possible virus in the host file. When trying to
remove it an error message ox80501001 displays. Can anyone help ?

Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]

jon gillis said:
Windows Defender has found a possible virus in the host file. When
trying to remove it an error message ox80501001 displays. Can anyone
help ?

A virus in a hosts file? Unlikely. However, it could find something
suspicious and malware/adware related, which is more likely. You can
probably open your hosts file directly:

Start | run

notepad.exe %systemroot%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts

See if you have funky looking stuff in there. By default, all you ought to
see is localhost
as well as the intro text. If you see more than that, you can delete it, or
rename your hosts file to hosts.old and create a new one, even.

That said, if you're having a problem with Windows Defender, you need to
post in the appropriate group. WD is beta software and has its own groups:


General malware-related issues should be posted in microsoft.public.security
or [...]security.homeusers for the most help.

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