Highlighting date cells before the event elapses



I need to set up an equipment calibration chart. This means that I will need
to look down the chart and see if a piece of equipment is due for testing
(about 2 months should do it). If anyone has any ideas about how to flag up
the cell with the due date I would be hugely appreciative.

I'm using office 2000 (I think)



lots of ways to approach this .... depending on how much information you
want stored (ie do you want a history of equipment calibration or are you
just going to keep last & next dates for each item?).

if you want just last & next then one way would be
1..........Item.........Last Date.........Mths to Next
Calibration........Next Date

this will then calculate the date of the next calibration for you for each

Then select column D choose format / conditional formatting
choose formula is
click format ... go to patterns and choose red click OK
-this will make the cell go red if the date of the next calibration has

then still in format / conditional formatting click ADD
formula is
click format .. go to patterns and choose a lovely lime green click OK twice

this will make the cell go lime green if the calibration is due any time in
the next two months

hope this helps

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