Highlighted and tiny dots


Sammy Castagna

On my win xp pro machine which is set to the classic view.
My last selection is surrounded by tiny dots and when I
click on a link or some other things they are highlighted
and surrounded by tiny dots. It is handy and I am trying
to figure how to make my laptop the same way but I can not
find the setting and do not know what to call what I am
looking for so I can not look it up. I ask on here when
Windows XP first came out and someone tole me how to do it
and I can not remember. Anyone know what I am talking
about? Thanks.

Sammy Castagna

Tony Talmage

Try checking the Internet Options (Tools > Internet Options) when in
Internet Explorer. Once the Options dialog is open, click the Advanced tab,
and then make sure the "Move system caret" open shows a checkmark next to
it. If you've added the checkmark, click OK and check to see if the
behaviour you describe below shows up.

Sammy Castagna

No Tony that is not it but thanks anyway.


Tony Talmage said:
Try checking the Internet Options (Tools > Internet Options) when in
Internet Explorer. Once the Options dialog is open, click the Advanced
and then make sure the "Move system caret" open shows a checkmark next to
it. If you've added the checkmark, click OK and check to see if the
behaviour you describe below shows up.

Tony Talmage

Woops, sorry - it turns out it was just the website I was on that was
showing the dotted outline, and not the option I mentioned in my post.
Sorry about the confusion. I'll keep looking to see if I can find an option
to turn on the behaviour you describe.

Sammy Castagna

Thanks Tony
-----Original Message-----
Woops, sorry - it turns out it was just the website I was on that was
showing the dotted outline, and not the option I mentioned in my post.
Sorry about the confusion. I'll keep looking to see if I can find an option
to turn on the behaviour you describe.

Tony Talmage

a checkmark next


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