Hierarchical data in a datagrid


Phil Townsend

Does anybody know of a good, yet simple example of displaying
hieracrchical data in a datagrid? Ideally, this datagrid should be
similar to a treeview control, where a user can click on a plus sign and
view child records. I have seen this done before but have not done it
myself. There are many example online, but most require a lot of
research into somebody's showcase application, where I know need a small
piece of the functionality. Know what i mean? Thanks...

Cor Ligthert


Phil Townsend

Thanks for the reply, but I have tried this. I have a stored procedure
that returns three result sets, all of which are placed into the
dataset. I then define two datarelations to link the three tables
together. When I run the page, I get the datagrid with the data from
from the first table only. Is there something else I am not doing?

Cor Ligthert


You say Page are you talking about a webpage, I am talking about a
windowsform datagrid?

(I never did it with three relations by the way only with 1)


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